Monday, February 5, 2007

One And One And One Is Three

:: 11 ::

The Beatles
Abbey Road

I wasn't a fan of The Beatles until I bought the Beatles One album, then realized I knew almost every Beatles song. What power! for a band to have most every song engraved into the dna of several generations. There's not much else one can say, other than it's a burning dream of mine to recreate the Abbey Road photo... how original.

Tracks of Note:
Come Together, I Want You, Polythene Pam, She Came in Through the Bathroom Window

1 comment:

Big Cougar said...

"Got to be good lookin' cause you're so hard to see..."

This one is really really good.

BTW, did you notice the T Petty/Bears just lost nod in the blog's subtitle? Subtle, eh?